NBA, sport leagues and Coronavirus times


I never had much love for the game of basketball. I was a football fan. In fact, I had liked other sports like Tennis and Cricket. But basketball or NBA was never on my watch-list. 

Things changed in the summer of 2018 when there was a buzz online about Lakers signing Lebron James. My sports newsfeed had many NBA related articles. I knew the Lakers brand before, but now there was renewed interest. Lakers were shadow of their past glory for around 6 years. No superstar had played for them in that period. The 2018 season started great and virtually finished on Christmas with Lebron’s injury. Then Lakers organization gave him what he wanted, another Superstar in Anthony Davis. After trading most of the young core, they built a veteran team around these two. The 2019-20 season started as expected. And it was all going great post all-star break. 

But then some unheard disease had started spreading in many parts of the world. Novel Coronavirus had started affecting sporting events, forcing them into temporary suspensions. Most of the sport leagues around the world faced this kind of disruption during the days of world wars. Surprisingly and unfortunately there is no vaccine available against Coronavirus as of now. In England, Liverpool was on the verge of winning their first EPL title when league was suspended. And it’s uncertain that league will resume smoothly. Most of these leagues go on for 8-9 months every year. They occupy people’s minds for most part of the year. But as Coronavirus has changed from epidemic to pandemic, most of the sporting leagues will be cancelled or go ahead later with empty arenas. 

Everyone is fighting this disease in their own ways. Many countries are in lockdown for weeks. And it has affected economies pushing the world towards recession. And this financial slowdown might turnout worse than 2008. The world might be at worst economic turn since world war 2. The only positive we can take from current scenario is, here we are fighting a common enemy.

I hope this Coronavirus situation ends soon to bring everything back to normal. 

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